Searching for mac address: TEMPORARY We can see MAC address by using ifconfig MAC address looks like, ether 00:00:27:59:1b:54 IP address looks like, inet To change MAC, first we have to disable that interface ifconfig wlan0 down to disable wireless adapter interface. ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55 will change MAC. ifconfig wlan0 up will enable interface again. We used hw because we want to change hardware address. An important thing to notice is that MAC address will revert to original after restarting device. PERMANENT To change the MAC address permanently, install macchanger sudo apt install macchanger sudo ip link set wlan0 down sudo macchanger wlan0 --mac=4C:21:8C:B8:5D:F2 sudo ip link set wlan0 up sudo macchanger -s (shows the mac address) ref: